Monday, January 11, 2010

Fcps Part-1 An Experience (critics), by Dr.Muhammad Yasir Adeel

On June 24th,i wrote my part-1 of FCPS,in PC hotel atd.I dont have many words to define how was it but one thing is sure,it wasnt for light hearted ppl.

I appeared in Medicine and Allied,and as expected got nothing much realated to it.Mostly the questions were from Anatomy and that too non-clinical.I fail to understand why they test such stuff which has hardly any clincal significance.

As we know,there are 2 papers,Each of 3 hours duration with 100 MCQs in each.I personally havent find much differece between 2 papers in terms of contents,the 2nd paper was supposedly "CLINICAL" and ideally should test more of Medicine.But that wasnt the case.The first 7 questions of Paper 2 were from Mars,and in greek anatomy.Something which was totally expected form unprofessional paper makers.But i hold on myself,remaining questions were similar,so i did roughly same.

What was horrible?

the scenarios were incomplete,they made you guess,rather than guiding to reach at some diagnosis,which should be the case.

There were more than 2 answers,i didnt say more than one,because that wasnt the case.I know that exam is SINGLE BEST answer,yet they never asked an perticular thing to pick the best.under such conditions,any answer can be best one.

Surgery questions in MEDICINE speciality paper.I dont know but why we need to know about blood supply of stomach for general medicine.

All in all i can say that questions werent made in a professional way,it appeared that the asked thier friends and relatives to make questions and then the put same questions in paper without even putting a thought in it.Ideally a paper should be such that it checks well establishhed facts,not minor things and not something which a Professor thing is right.We cant get into the brains to know the answer.An example of question

Plasmodium falciparum causes

1_ Black water fever



4_Nephrotic Syndrome


Now just open Kumar,page 78 i think 6th ed both Black water fever and DIC are specific for falciparm,all plasmodia casues hemolysis and Nephrotic syndrome is specific for P-Malaraie.

guys i picked DIC but i know both 1 and 2 are specific and best answers for P-Falciparm.

there is no Trick in the stem it is as simple as i put.

What was Good about exam?

The environment was peaceful,although on one side of PC hotel there is Auto workshop and on other side a Primary school with kids making "No noise",yet the hall was diciplined.I omitted the part where 4 of my teachers including a professor came and sit right beside me and had Gup shup for an hour or so,since i reagrd it as a way personal.

toilet,water and lunch was alright.

Invagilators where good,and mannered.No complaints.

rest i dont know what he rest will be,the best part of the day was meeting with my frinds,and having some time together.

I salute all hose who clear this exam,since the know some telepathy.

Fellows,need our prayers,I might exagerrate but honestly i think i said not even half what was there.and those who appeared know this fact.

waiting for result.Do pray.

Note i didnt do an infringement of copyrights by posting the question,since CPSP site itself host the entire past papers.Which are easily accessable.



  2. Hi guys,Im writer of above post.I did it on my college website.I found this blog today while surfing google and I feel v happy.I wish my words can help someone to study.Also to the owner of this blog,Dear..try putting the guidelines as well which i posted on same website.

    Im always open to discussions.

    and finally I have cleared part-1,and hopefully joining training v soon...:)

  3. Thanks for your precious comments Dr. Yasir...
    & congrates on passing part 1!
    I'll try to add the guidelines as soon as possible.

  4. salam dear. . . u posted that cpsp hosted the past paper pool . .can u guide me how i can get it?
